The Payoff

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 | |

My weekend of little sleep and lots of bad coffee began to pay off today. I got a grade back on a paper that's worth 40% of my grade for a class. I got an HD, meaning High Distinction, or the equivalent of an A. I get another back tomorrow, have another paper due on Monday, and then I'm done until Nov. 4.

Last night while I was writing my paper, I got bored and decided I'd trim my chinbeard.


After...forgive my annoyed expression, I was getting stiff from holding the camera:

..and since it's spring, here's a flower!


Tammy said...

Thanks for trimming that before you get home. Great job on the paper!!!! Beautiful flower pic.
Love you

Christina said...

I miss you. Come home and visit me.

Also, can you send me the flower pic in high resolution? I want it for my background!