Nobody Likes a Bogan

Sunday, September 21, 2008 | |


Lower-class white culture trends transcend oceans, though everyone's got a different name for them:

Click to watch excellent music video on youtube.

According to, a bogan should be classified as such for displaying several distinct traits:
  • A pronounced lack of dress sense in social situations. A bogan's dress sense is not influenced by intended destination/occasion hence the line between workwear and formal wear is often hazy at best. On rare occasions bogans may be spotted wearing enclosed shoes when entering the local RSL to "have a slap on the pokies" or to "get pissed wif me mates on the veebs (VB)".

  • A lack of personal hygiene. A bogan will often allow his/her hair to grow into an attractive style named the "mullet" as popularised in the 1980's. Whilst most non-bogans will use Eau de Toilette spray as a perfume, the most common boganistic fragrance is "Odour of Toilet".
  • Distinct vocabulary. The bogan language is somewhat foreign to most English-speaking people. For example in boaglish, the word "shooting" would be pronounced as "shootun". Similarly, the word "look out" is pronounced as "look eet". The boaglish alphabet does not contain the letters "i" or "g", hence the pronunciation of words containing the suffix -ing are simply pronounced -un. The boaglish vocabulary is mostly limited to frequent curse-words and miss-pronunciation of common English words.

    (sleepun with the chooks)

  • A particular choice in motor vehicle. The bogan usually drives one of two makes of vehicle. Typically this is either a Holden or a Ford . (Americans -- think Ford Mustang or Chevy Camaro.) Bogan vehicles are rarely detailed, and are serviced even less frequently. Most bogan drivers hold animosity towards imported vehicles; "farken rice."
  • Choice in music. The bogan prefers either metal or pub rock. A bogan would suggest that the song Khe Sanh by Cold Chisel would be a more appropriate national anthem than Advance Australia Fair. AC/DC is also a popular choice.

  • Employment status. The common bogan is either a) not employed or b) a tradesman/labourer. Unemployed bogans often frequent RSL's/clubs for discount lunches during the day, before continuing on to the local Centrelink office to receive the hard-earned cash of the tax-paying public. This pension money is then budgeted towards large cartons of Victoria Bitter (Veebs) and as many packs of Winfield Reds (smokes) can fit into the bloke's shirt pockets.
  • A poorly-maintained house or unit. As previously mentioned, the bogan often resides in regions of a lower socio-economic standing. Basically, in most cases the bogan is located some way inland from a coastal fringe or major waterway. The bogan house usually consists of a number of elements (see below):
  1. The bedroom (for rootun).
  2. The balcony (for smokun/shootun).
  3. The livun room (for watchun telly/smokun/gettun pissed).
  4. The kitchen (for storun beer).
  5. The combined bathroom/laundry (for washun) .
  6. The shed (for rootun/smokun/shootun/gettun pissed/storun beer/workun on the commo).


For more information on Australia's rednecks, check out The Ulimate Bogan Resource.

That's all for now, cheers!


Tammy said...

We need wunna them winnebogans!